Our Story
How it all started...
June 17, 1996: Salt River Men's Fellowship purchased six acres of land in Elk Creek from Hilda Snider as a first step to make a vision a reality. That vision was a vibrant, Christ honoring local church serving Spencer County from the Elk Creek area.

April 1997: Salt River Men's Fellowship selects Doug Martin as Church planter.
September 7, 1997: First Official Service. The vision was one step closer as the first service took place. The first 4 ½ years, SCC met each Sunday morning at the Spencer County High School Cafeteria and on Wednesday evenings at the Taylorsville Masonic Lodge.

December 16, 2001: New Building dedicated. The first phase of construction was finalized and the first service in the building at our current location took place in what is our current gym.