Spencer Christian Church has something for all ages. Our Kidplex Children’s area is for children ages birth to 5th grade.
We offer Sunday morning classes. During the school year we also offer childcare and classes on Wednesday nights.
Our mission statement as a church is "Reach the Lost, Teach the Found, Repeat the Process". This is what we strive to teach our children weekly while their parents are learning in their class or through the sermon.
Outside of our regular weekend services we try to offer activities from time to time that encourage family time or community service. (Fall festival, Backpack Buddy fundraisers, Date nights, Easter Egg Hunt, Serve 2 Worship service, Trunk or Treat etc.)
We strive to make our children’s ministry a place where both the child and the parent feel safe, welcomed and loved. We also feel it is important for families to serve together. If you are interested in serving in the children’s ministry or have any questions, please e-mail Corie Cowsert at corie@spencerchristian.org.
We offer Sunday morning classes. During the school year we also offer childcare and classes on Wednesday nights.
Our mission statement as a church is "Reach the Lost, Teach the Found, Repeat the Process". This is what we strive to teach our children weekly while their parents are learning in their class or through the sermon.
Outside of our regular weekend services we try to offer activities from time to time that encourage family time or community service. (Fall festival, Backpack Buddy fundraisers, Date nights, Easter Egg Hunt, Serve 2 Worship service, Trunk or Treat etc.)
We strive to make our children’s ministry a place where both the child and the parent feel safe, welcomed and loved. We also feel it is important for families to serve together. If you are interested in serving in the children’s ministry or have any questions, please e-mail Corie Cowsert at corie@spencerchristian.org.
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14

Sunday Mornings
Wednesdays during Adult Grow Groups
9:30am and 11:00am
Age appropriate Bible lesson, games, Bible videos and offering time. Communion is also offered for children who are immersed followers of Jesus.
meal 5:30 Bible groups 6:30
There is age appropriate programming
nursery through 5th grade. Awana groups will meet this fall!
nursery through 5th grade. Awana groups will meet this fall!