
Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13

The SCC Men’s Ministry ministers to men by our “Three S’s” [Study/Socialize/Serve].
 “Three S’s” help men grow in their connection to each other and most importantly to Jesus Christ
to help men fulfill their role as spiritual leaders of their families.
We strive to equip men to the Biblical definition of manhood by…
-Rejecting passivity-
-Accepting responsibility-
-Leading courageously-


Get Connected. Go Deeper.

Come sip coffee, hang out and be challenged to grow in our faith by other guys who are striving to honor God in this quest of life.
Men's Bible Group:
Monday – 7am

Social/Special Events

Several events which feature special speakers like our Shrimp boil/Hobo Dinner and Fish Fry.  These events offer a laid back atmosphere to enjoy camaraderie of fellow men of God. Watch the announcements for the next scheduled event.


The men's ministry of SCC has partnered with CrossRoads Missions, one of Spencer Christian Church’s supported missions to serve.  CrossRoads Missions provides meaningful service projects for those in need of affordable housing. Crossroads organizes the project, you just show up and serve.  
Sign up by clicking below.